Avoid costly problems by checking SEAT ARONA car history.
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All SEAT ARONA VIN Decoder and Lookup reports provide a complete overview of vehicle current condition and past including the following data:
- Vehicle Specifications
- Previous/Current State of Title & Title Registration dates
- Title Brands History
- Junk & Salvage Data
- Insurance Total Loss Records
- Lien/Impound/Export Records
- Theft Records
- Odometer Events
- Detailed Auction Sales History
- Wholesale market valuation
- Auction Price Analysis
- Safety Recalls
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SEAT S.A. (English: , Spanish: [ˈseat]; Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo lit. Spanish Society of Tourism Cars) is a Spanish car manufacturer, which sells its vehicles under the SEAT and Cupra brands. It was founded on 9 May 1950, by the Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI), a Spanish state-owned industrial holding company. It quickly became the largest supplier of cars in Spain. In 1986, after 36 years of being publicly listed as an independent automaker, the Spanish government sold SEAT to the Volkswagen Group of which it remains a wholly owned subsidiary.
The headquarters of SEAT S.A. are located at the company's industrial complex in Martorell near Barcelona. In 2020, annual production was over 468,000 units, with more than 427,000 cars sold in just one year, exported to over 75 countries worldwide.
Source: Wikipedia