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What is vin? +-
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code used to identify a vehicle.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or Chassis Number can be found on the dashboard, driver’s side door and on the registration certificate. All cars and light commercial vehicles built after 1981 have a unique 17-character VIN that provides access to valuable information about that vehicle’s history. -
What do i find in a vin decoder report? +-
A VIN Decoder and Lookup covers all VIN specs and VIN details every prospective car buyer needs to get, including:
Make/ Model/ Year
Country of origin
Engine type and size
Transmission type
Defects and recall status
Market value (a fair estimation of what the vehicle is worth through analysis of dealers and private party sales in the United States)
Fuel efficiency, capacity, and type -
Where does the information come from? +-
A VIN Decoder Report comes from the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS), which is operated by the US Department of Justice in partnership with the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA).
NMVTIS consolidates the data from US state motor vehicle title agencies, insurance carriers, junkyards, salvage yards, and auto recyclers to provide the most up to date vehicle information for anybody looking to purchase a previously-owned vehicle.
In addition to the NMVTIS data, you will find information from salvage auctions, economic reports, government agencies, and other proprietary sources to provide comprehensive VIN Decoder reports. -
How much does a vin decoder report costs? +-
A VIN Decoder Report costs $15.99. If you buy it from us you get 20% Discount at carVertical, with discounted price you get a full VIN Decoder Report for only $12.99
Can i get a money-back guarantee? +-
You are eligible for a full or partial reimbursement within 14 calendar days of your purchase. After the 14-day period, you will no longer be eligible and won’t be able to receive a refund.

VIN Decoder Explained

Everything You Need to Know About VIN Decoders