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All VAUXHALL SINTRA VIN Decoder and Lookup reports provide a complete overview of vehicle current condition and past including the following data:
- Vehicle Specifications
- Previous/Current State of Title & Title Registration dates
- Title Brands History
- Junk & Salvage Data
- Insurance Total Loss Records
- Lien/Impound/Export Records
- Theft Records
- Odometer Events
- Detailed Auction Sales History
- Wholesale market valuation
- Auction Price Analysis
- Safety Recalls
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Vauxhall Motors Limited (/ˈvɒksɔːl/) is a British car company headquartered in Chalton, England. Vauxhall became a subsidiary of Stellantis in January 2021.
Vauxhall is one of the oldest established vehicle manufacturers and distribution companies in the United Kingdom. It sells passenger cars, electric and light commercial vehicles under the Vauxhall marque, and formerly sold vans, buses, and trucks under the Bedford Vehicles brand. Vauxhall has been the second-largest selling car brand in the UK for more than two decades.
Vauxhall was originally founded by Alexander Wilson in 1857 as a pump and marine engine manufacturer. It was purchased by Andrew Betts Brown in 1863, who began producing travelling cranes under the company, renaming it "Vauxhall Iron Works". The company began manufacturing cars in 1903, changing its name back around this time. It was acquired by American automaker General Motors (GM) in 1925. Bedford Vehicles was established as a subsidiary of Vauxhall in 1930 to manufacture commercial vehicles.
Source: Wikipedia