Avoid costly problems by checking MERCEDES-BENZ GL car history.
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All MERCEDES-BENZ GL VIN Decoder and Lookup reports provide a complete overview of vehicle current condition and past including the following data:
- Vehicle Specifications
- Previous/Current State of Title & Title Registration dates
- Title Brands History
- Junk & Salvage Data
- Insurance Total Loss Records
- Lien/Impound/Export Records
- Theft Records
- Odometer Events
- Detailed Auction Sales History
- Wholesale market valuation
- Auction Price Analysis
- Safety Recalls
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Mercedes-Benz (German pronunciation: [mɛɐ̯ˈtseːdəsˌbɛnts, -dɛs-] (listen)), commonly referred to as Mercedes, is a German luxury and commercial vehicle automotive brand established in 1926. Mercedes-Benz AG (a Mercedes-Benz Group subsidiary established in 2019) is headquartered in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Mercedes-Benz AG produces consumer luxury vehicles and commercial vehicles badged as Mercedes-Benz. From November 2019 onwards, Mercedes-Benz-badged heavy commercial vehicles (trucks and buses) are managed by Daimler Truck, a former part of the Mercedes-Benz Group turned into an independent company in late 2021. In 2018, Mercedes-Benz was the largest brand of premium vehicles in the world, having sold 2.31 million passenger cars. The brand's origins lie in Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's 1901 Mercedes and Karl Benz's 1886 Benz Patent-Motorwagen, which is widely regarded as the first internal combustion engine in a self-propelled automobile. The slogan for the brand is "the best or nothing". Source: Wikipedia