Avoid costly problems by checking DAIHATSU COPEN car history.
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All DAIHATSU COPEN VIN Decoder and Lookup reports provide a complete overview of vehicle current condition and past including the following data:
- Vehicle Specifications
- Previous/Current State of Title & Title Registration dates
- Title Brands History
- Junk & Salvage Data
- Insurance Total Loss Records
- Lien/Impound/Export Records
- Theft Records
- Odometer Events
- Detailed Auction Sales History
- Wholesale market valuation
- Auction Price Analysis
- Safety Recalls
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Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. (ダイハツ工業株式会社, Daihatsu Kōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha), commonly known as Daihatsu, is a Japanese automobile manufacturer and one of the oldest surviving Japanese internal combustion engine manufacturers. The company's headquarters are located in Ikeda, Osaka Prefecture.
Historically, Daihatsu was well known for building three-wheeled vehicles and off-road vehicles, while currently the company offers a range of kei car models, along with kei trucks, kei vans and other larger small cars in Japan. The company also produces entry-level compact cars in Japan and Southeast Asia, which are also supplied to global emerging markets under the Toyota brand.
As of 2021, Daihatsu's presence has been limited to Japan, Indonesia, and Malaysia (as Perodua), where the company has significant research and development resources, manufacturing facilities and sales operations.
The company has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Toyota Motor Corporation since August 2016. As of 2021, Daihatsu sales account for 4 per cent of the Toyota Group's vehicle sales' total
Source: Wikipedia